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Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Pn lip 06, 2009 8:21 pm
przez MSA
Żeśmy z kumplem wyczaili całość we flac'u na torrentach. W tym momencie nie pamiętam już gdzie, ale na pewno jest do wygooglowania :).

I przerobiłem Wave I i II, po Wave II zarąbiście sie zacząłem czuć, to było jakiś miesiąc, dwa temu i trochę "wyszedłem z wprawy", spłycił mi się focus 12. No i coś mi się CD w radiomagnetofonie popsuło, muszę go chyba kopniakiem potraktować :). Jeśli ktoś lubi "wycieczki z przewodnikiem", albo zasypia przy próbach to GWay jest przedni.

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Wt lip 07, 2009 6:38 pm
przez woytas
Journeys Out of the Body - flac format!

In 1958, Bob Monroe had an extraordinary experience that dramatically altered the course of his life.
The chronicles of his experience and the events that followed were documented in his classic work, Journeys Out of the Body, published by Doubleday in 1971. The out-of-body experiences, or OBE, was and continues to be little understood. However, Bo's pioneering work has helped countless people in their personal quest to understand their own experience. Two chapters of "Journeys" were dedicated to providing guidance in the achievement of an OBE, and as Bob wrote, "the only possible way for an individual to appreciate the reality of this Second Body and existence within it is to experiences it himself."
In 1973, Bob founded The Monroe Institute (originally known as The Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences), a research facility in Virginia. In searching for a means to quickly and safely induce states of relaxation and sleep, the Institute's research efforts resulted in the development of an "audio-guidance technology known as Hemi-Sync.
This patented technology uses pulses of sound to help facilitate and maintain a naturally occurring brain state known as hemispheric synchronization, when both the left and right hemispheres of the brain work in unison.
Bob's discoveries included the realization that the out-of-body states was but one of many possible states of expanded awareness, with many applications. In the years that followed, Hemi-Sync applications were developed to facilitate focused attention and concentration, accelerated learning, enhanced creativity, problem solving and pain management, to name just a few.
Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body evolved as a natural extension of Bob's writing and the audio technologies he developed, presented together for the first time.
The Monroe Institute remains dedicated to the continuing development of methods and techniques that will promote the evolution and growth of human consciousness


pass> zagadka ;) -ksywka Darka?

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Wt lip 07, 2009 7:50 pm
przez MSA
Kurcze, nie mam za bardzo czasu żeby ściągnąć i zobaczyć co to, czy ktoś mógłby zapoznać się z treścią nagrań i streścić mniej więcej? To chyba protoplasta GWaya jakiś, może bardziej skondensowany.. (?)

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Cz lip 09, 2009 4:54 pm
przez Raven
Tekstu tam prawie nie ma (oprócz wprowadzenia i z tego co pamiętam jednego ćwiczenia wstępnego) ... po prostu biały szum + dźwięki Hemi-sync. Nagrania mają wprowadzać w stan umysłu jaki jest potrzebny do osiągnięcia kolejnych warunków (A,B,C i D) po spełnieniu których występuje OBE (Opis tych warunków jest w którejś z książek R. A. Monroe)

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Cz lip 09, 2009 5:40 pm
przez woytas
Opis (niestety tylko po angielsku):
Recommendations for Using the Audio Exercises

* Locate a distraction-free environment where you can darken the room and remain undisturbed for the duration of the exercise.

* Listen using stereo headphones on a personal or home stereo system.

* Adjust the volume to a level where you can barely hear the words. Otherwise, the verbal guidance may startle you following a period of silence.

* Allow at least one hour after eating and avoid alcohol, drugs, or excessive caffeine, which may limit the effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync exercises.

* Get comfortable. Use the bathroom before each exercise even if it seems unnecessary. Loosen any tight clothing and remove shoes, glasses or contacts.

* Listen while lying down or seated with your head supported, which is more comfortable for you.

* If you itch during an exercise, scratch. You will be able to move gently back into your pattern of relaxation.

* There can be a metabolic drop as you enter an exercise, producing a perception of heat, motion or pressure. Have a loose blanket handy, ready to pull up or throw off as needed.

* Keep a journal to document the details of your experiences, such as date and time, body position, unusual diet, mood/attitude, energy level, moon phase or any other circumstances that seems significant to you.

The Exercises

Introduction by Bob Monroe

A digitally re-mastered and newly-edited monologue discussing the out-of-body experience, that is Bob's story in his own words.

Relaxation Reinforcement Exercise

This exercise provides an introduction to Hemi-Sync, for those who are new to this audio-guidance technology, in the form of a verbally-guided progressive relaxation technique. It also provides a refresher for those who are already familiar with the Hemi-Sync technology or with other meditation or relaxation techniques. The exercise begins with the Gateway Affirmation in order to establish intent, and then introduces basic relaxation techniques. Use this exercise as often as needed to prepare for more advanced work, and to revisit if you find you need to return to familiar ground, or for additional reinforcement.

The Borderland Sleep State, Condition A

"Lie down, preferably when you are tired and sleepy, As you become relaxed and start to drift off into sleep, hold your mental attention on something, anything, with your eyes closed. Once you ca hold the borderland sleep state indefinitely without falling asleep, you have passed the first stage. You will know you are successful when you become bored and expect something more to happen."

Bob, described Condition A as "the ability to hold calmly in the borderland sleep state, indefinitely, with your mind on an exclusive thought." Continue using the Condition A support exercise until you have achieved this state.

The Condition A support exercise consists of Hemi-Sync audio-guidance designed to help you stay awake and alert. At 20-minute intervals, an extended reminder sequence refereed to as the "beacon guidepost" is repeated with additional reinforcing Attention/Concentration frequencies, and a short verbal reminder in Bob's voice, "remember your purpose...."

This exercise and all that follow are one hour in length and can be repeated automatically, if desired, by setting the appropriate controls on your CD player (refer to your owner's manual).

Condition B

Similar to Condition A, but with the concentration eliminated. "Do not think of anything, but remain poised between wakefulness and sleep. Simply look through your closed eyes at the blackness ahead of you. Do nothing more. You have accomplished Condition B when you are able to lie indefinitely after the impressions have faded away, with no nervousness, and seeing nothing but blackness."

The Condition B support exercise is identical to the Condition A exercise, without the repeating reminder sequences. As you begin to acclimate to this borderland sleep state, you will no longer need the reminders and they will simply get in the way.

Condition C

"Condition C is a systematic deepening of consciousness while in the B state. This is approached by carefully letting go of your rigid hold on the borderland sleep edge and drifting deeper, little by little, during each exercise.

"Condition C is characterized by the shutting down of various sensory mechanism inputs, The sense of touch apparently goes first. You seem to have no feeling in any part of your body. Smell and taste soon follow, The auditory signals are next, and the last to fade out is vision."

The Condition C support exercise, as in the previous two exercises, uses Hemi-Sync audio-guidance designed to help you stay awake and alert. At 20-minute intervals, the Attention/Focus/Concentration signals re replaced by Hemi-Sync signals designed to allow you to drift deeper and deeper into the borderland sleep state and reinforcing signals conducive to the out-of-body experience and lucid dreaming.

Condition D

"Condition D is the achievement of C when one is fully rested and refreshed, rather than tired and sleepy, at the beginning of the exercise."

The final exercise in the series switches to Hemi-Sync audio-guidance frequencies designed to help you move from a fully awake and refreshed state, into a state of deep relaxation. At 20-minute intervals, additional reinforcing signals are added conductive to the out-of-body experience and lucid dreaming.

Continuing Your Exploration

Exploring states of consciousness is a fundamental application of the Hemi-Sync technology. If you have not already done so, you might consider the Gateway Experience from Monroe Products as a means to continue your explorations. This six-album in-home training series will provide you with in-depth experience in Focus 10 (Mind Awake/Body Asleep), Focus 12 (Expanded Awareness), Focus 15 ("No Time"), and Focus 21 (Other Energy Systems).

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Pt lip 10, 2009 8:58 am
przez MSA
Ajaj, links are dead...

A szkoda, bo to wspomagacze "metody transowej", kumpel by chciał coś takiego...

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Pn lip 13, 2009 8:06 am
przez StaryCzłowiekIMorze
Z tego co wkleił Woytas, wnioskuje ze Hemi Sync powinno sluchac sie b. cicho
"Adjust the volume to a level where you can barely hear the words."
Jest to dla mnie zaskoczenie, bo zawsze sluchalem tego w miare glosno i moze wlasnie to jest wynikiem....braku wynikow? Jesli ktos by chcial mam dostep do Gateway's experiance na chomiku - tylko na pm

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Pn lip 13, 2009 7:55 pm
przez MSA
Jeśli chodzi o mnie, to mam słuchawki z potencjometrem, i ściszam go tak by nie mieć "szumów własnych" urządzenia na którym słucham. A jak wchodzisz w F10 to wszystko słychać głośniej, generalnie jest wyostrzona uwaga (z definicji F10- umysł czujny, ciało śpi...).
A chodzi tu o to, żeby cie nie przestraszał nagle z nikąd gadający Monroe. Jak mam za głośno, to jego głos powoduje że mimowolnie "drygam". Zresztą, i tak sam wykonujesz gro pracy. W GWayu najfajniejsze moim zdaniem są "kotwice", przynajmniej mnie b. szybko wchodzi się w F10.
No i Iszy i IIgi album potrafią nieźle wywrócić w życiu codziennym, jakoś tak mnie to całe usuwanie blokad pozytywnie nastrajało do istnienia :).

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Wt lip 14, 2009 9:36 pm
przez woytas
zrobiłem własny upload Journeys Out of the Body - flac format!
niestety pass to zagadka lub na PM.

pass> zagadka ;) -ksywka Darka S.?

I pamiętajcie dziateczki: OK OB :mrgreen:

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Pt lip 17, 2009 3:07 pm
przez MSA
Dankeschon, jako prawdziwy obemaniak :)nie miałem problemów z zagadką. Dam znać jak zacznę testować i będą efekty.

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Pt sie 07, 2009 11:05 am
przez sorrow
Słuchałem tych utworków przez jakiś czas (szczególnie poz 2 ) i naprawdę nie ma chyba niczego innego powodującego tak łatwe wchodzenie w głęboki relaks .

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: So sty 30, 2010 12:03 pm
przez Kublon
deF23 napisał(a):Hemi-sync - od kilku tyg. testuje i efekty sa mocno odczuwalne :)
dla poprawienia jakosci dzwieku warto zainwestowac w sluchawki
dzialajace na pasmie od 10 Hz do minimum 22 kHz poniewaz hemi
na takich czestotliwosciach operuja a nie kazde standardowe sluchawki
sa w stanie owe dzwieki pociagnac...

Gó**o prawda :lol:. Bwgen itd. wykorzystują normalne częstotliwości np. 235Hz i 230Hz co przy dudnieniach różnicowych daje nam 5Hz i mózg zaczyna pracować na takiej częstotliwości... Ciekawe gdzie dostaniesz słuchawki i takim zakresie i za jaką cenę. Nie wprowadzaj ludzi w błąd :lol:. Sluchawki będą im lepszej jakości tym lepiej, wiadomo lepsza jakość, mniejsze szumy itd. ale nie potrzeba słuchawek działających na tak niskich częstotliwościach...


Znalazłem ok. 20 presetów do bwgen'a z Hemi-Sync bez lektora jak ktoś by chciał to pisać wyślę : ]. Idze przesłuchać Focus 25 :D

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Cz lut 18, 2010 12:29 pm
przez tomszii
Hemi-Sync w formacie FLAC, torrentowe, jeśli komuś zależy na jakości ;)
Hemi-Sync (DOW - otwarcie wrót)

Hemi-Sync- Between Worlds
Całkiem przyjemne nagranie, 'sceneria' nagrania, mi sie kojarzy z dżunglą itd.
słychać w tle jakby muzykę plemienną. ;D

Hemi-Sync LD Series
Nagrania dobre do transu, bez żadnych wskazówek.

Hemi-Sync Concentration
Na koncentrację ;)


PostNapisane: So lut 27, 2010 1:18 pm
przez agadu
Jak ktoś potrzebuje w formacie FLAC nagrań Hemi-Sync to odsyłam na:
Wystarczy wpisać w wyszukiwarkę Hemi-sync, a dalej pobieramy adresy torentów. Jest tego mnóstwo. :o
Przyjemnego słuchania.

Re: Hemi-Sync

PostNapisane: Wt paź 05, 2010 12:21 pm
przez madxx75
A może by tak spróbować tego: